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Mobile SEO, get the best out of your mobile site | Infinitum Mobile

Internet marketing services

Your mobile website has been developed in order to reach smartphone users as well. By optimizing your mobile website for SEO you’ll be completely ready. Considering that more than 85 % of Internet users use search engines to find information on the Internet, it is the perfect way to reach your audience.

To get the best out of both your mobile website as your desktop website we recommend the following additional services:

  • QR Code. (free)
  • Mobile SEO.

QR Code QR Code
Is your company trying to find new ways to involve your target groups with your products or services?

With QR codes you’ll be able to easily connect online with offline communication. Via the scannable QR code smartphone users will be directed to your mobile website or promotions page.

Infinitum Mobile does not charge anything for your QR code request.

Request your free QR code here now.

Infinitum Mobile offers a free QR Code

Mobile SEO
By going mobile the first step has been taken. Hopping on board by taking the growing importance of smartphone usage into account definitely proofs this.

SEO website analysis Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the most successful strategy to make your website easy to find on the Internet. Search engine optimization is used to increase the amount of visitors to your website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine.

The most effective way to increase targeted website traffic is by optimizing all of your content for search engines such as Google or Bing.

Mobile SEO means optimizing your mobile website (structure, coding and design) and pages in such a way that search engines like Google consider your pages as relevant and useful for a specific keyword.

Structure, coding and design
Mobile SEO - design Design
The most important reason of having a mobile site is improving your mobile user’s experience. Smartphone user’s should be reached as well. Now by having a mobile friendly website you’re much more able to do so. In addition to a clear and straightforward design, a mobile website facilitates two other key factors: speed and call-to-action.

Mobile SEO - codes Codes
The backbone of your mobile SEO plan is formed by the keyword analysis. The chosen keywords will play an important role in the SEO process. Your pages will be adjusted according to the chosen keywords. Not only in terms of the site’s visible textual content, but also under the hood on a technical level.

Mobile SEO - codes Structure
The internal site structure should also act a solid base. It should be clear that all pages are part of the same site. For this purpose, the site’s internal link structure will be optimized, so that the next time Google crawls your website it’ll understand that all pages are part of the same entity.

Benefit from modern SEO
Mobile SEO - local search Local search
An interesting opportunity of the growing mobile internet usage is the shift to local searches. 95% of the smartphone users have searched for local information at least once. Your mobile friendly website will be designed so it’ll keep up and make your business match the shift to local positioning.

Mobile SEO - social media Social media
The use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter has become an important part of our daily life. Social media is now a crucial part of any successful businesses marketing plan. We will help you by brand your company online using the power of social media.

Mobile SEO - structure Knowledge is power
Analyze your website by using Google Analytics to provide a comprehensive set of best practices. Get to know your mobile visitors. Experience how the Google search engine technically views your website with Google Webmaster Tools.

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